Some Cool Facts
Numbers Speak For Themselves
A "little bit" about us
With over forty years of travel organizing experience collectively, Bravo Charlie Expeditions, a new venture with seasoned staff organizes and implements privately guided journeys worldwide.
Whether this journey consists of boat, vehicle, train, plane, horse, snowmobile or any other mode of transportation, we remain key in allowing our guests to relax and let us do what we are good at, removing obstacles where necessary, smoothing the way and ensuring their undivided attention to their surroundings and their journey.
Through our many years of connections in the world of travel we are able to have direct first-name partnerships with our destination partners allowing our guides access to a very different insight in whichever country they are operating. Our aim is to afford our guests an immersed travel experience, one which will make this memorable and wanting to come back for more. It seems that in this we succeed, our repeat business and word-of-mouth referrals prove this.
On average seventy percent of our annual business is repeat business and with a following of around five hundred families, we are able to keep this momentum going. Where possible we like to emphasize that our journeys are about three main points, immersion in nature and culture and the exploration of new landscapes and scenery.
Our trips are personalized, our itineraries tailor-made with input from our guests and our office staff, from the early planning stage of the trip all the way to the final departure home. We are involved in all aspects of these journeys with careful planning, coordination, and facilitation. Often this is a joint effort between our operation office our land or boat partner ( sometimes both) and the guide that will actively be leading the trip.
Our principals are constantly on the move exploring new destinations and together with our guides and multiple partners planning exciting new itineraries that remain in keeping with what we have offered in the past. Historically the owners of the company have had a classic bond with Africa.
This bond allows us to explore the continent with a certain ease. Relationships there are strong, and, in some cases, these are a family matter.
Other bonds that have grown over the years include strong connections with Ecuador for the Galapagos and Chile and Argentina for Patagonia. Enjoying exploration as we do the Arctic and Antarctica have a very strong pull as do some of the wildlife areas of India and various other interesting an remote places. So the quest continues.
Finally, as a result of the geographic location of the company, Cyprus, we are ideally located for trips around North Africa and the Middle East. Cyprus itself being one way to end one of the above itineraries.